So we’ve been back home for just over a month now, and life still doesn’t feel like it’s gone back to normal. The trip feels like a long time ago, but a lot has happened since we got back, and I think it helps that we weren’t straight back to “normal life” like it was before we left.
So what’s been happening?
J started a new job last week. Well actually, it’s an old job. He’s back to where he was before we went away.
I worked two weeks doing my teaching rounds for my teaching diploma. That was tough. It’s a ridiculous amount of work and stress, especially as I was spending 2-3 hours in the car a day. It went well, but I am very glad it’s done, until I go back in September anyway.
The kids are back at home and child care and have adapted well, except for missing their dad a lot this week. Every day by 5pm, S has been crying for him and asking to ring him.
What now?
I guess on the outside our life looks the same as it did before we left. On the inside, it feels very different to me. The break away gave us a lot of time to think about our lives, and what we want to change. To say I was unhappy before we left would be an understatement, and I am very glad that I don’t seem to be heading back that way. J and I have a rough plan of how we want the next few years to look, and that is helping. I love goals and a plan!!
Part of the plan is already in action and is no doubt part of the reason why I am happy to be at home – we have started booking our next trip!! Part of our life plan is for me to return to work next year as a teacher, so we figure we may as well take advantage of the time between when J’s contract ends and mine begins! So we have just over two months planned for visiting the US and the Caribbean. It also helps that J’s long overdue redundancy payment from last year is in the process of finally coming through.
We are a bit nervous. The trip is going to cost a fair bit, and we will probably move out of our house before we leave and be homeless on return. However, we do feel it is the right path for us – we only live once, and I truly believe we should take advantage of any opportunity to live life the way we prefer (travelling), especially before three of us are locked into school terms! Well some of the time anyway, we certainly don’t plan to completely stop long trips once the kids are at school.
So yeah, I am busy trip planning, studying and looking after the kids. If this is our new version of “normal life”, then I am very happy with it!!