When Abbie Ginther from Grumbling Grace showed me this article about reasons to travel the world with a baby, I knew I had to share it all with you here! Needless to say that I agree with it all! And if my current baby was my only child, I’m sure we would be following in Abbie’s footsteps right now. Keep reading for some very compelling reasons to travel the world with baby…
The road to parenthood is paved with unsolicited advice on everything from nutrition to nannies from everyone (your mother, the parking attendant at the mall, even that nice panhandler outside the bank).
When you decide to travel with your new babe, get ready for round two. Great-Aunt Margaret’s got all the reasons to stay tucked up at home with the door locked but really? The first year of your baby’s life might just be the best time to travel.
Here’s five reasons why you should be packing your diaper bag right now.
5 reasons to travel the world with baby
1. No money, honey.
Babies are like celebrities. They get in free or receive fantastic perks just about everywhere.
Is it because they don’t count as people yet? Is it because they are so feared? Who knows and who cares.
Brandishing a baby allows extra bags (and paraphernalia, ooh…) on most flights, better connections, upgraded hotel rooms (to the padded block), seats on the subway, extra plates of food at restaurants, and access to VIP airport lounges.
Tip: Ask nicely. Smile sweetly. Pinch baby. Count to ten.

Free cribs (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol). Now, sleep for the love of…
2. It’s a small world after all.
It turns out you can Skype Grandma from McDonald’s in Paris just as easily as you can from the living room.
You can also check out your destination ahead of time for things like:
- rentable carseats, cribs, and strollers.
- vaccination requirements
- amenities in the area like laundromats
- attractions that allow babies…
You know what else is universal? BABIES.

“I’m thrilled to hear the Parliamentary Tour is available for all ages. *Cough.*” (Ottawa, Canada)
3. Maternity/Parental Leave.
Note: Dear U.S. of A. I am sorry. You have In-N-Out Burger, but this is poor consolation for the lack of maternity leave available to you. Not cool.

“Well, we better head back. I have to work in … six months.” Lake Minnewanka, Banff, Canada
Here in Canada (as in many other countries), we receive paid parental leave. If you can stretch the budget to take advantage of this, why NOT travel?

Bumming around Kapsowar, Kenya while hubs works at a medical placement.
Maybe one partner has a job opportunity they’ve always wanted to try. Time to go along for the ride. Get creative. Visit Uncle Jimmy’s cousin’s neighbour’s son in Australia.
Now IS the time.
4. Babies are portable.

Atop the Big Beehive, Lake Louise, Canada
It never gets easier than it is right now… Sorry about that.
Babies keep getting BIGGER. They learn to talk and walk and holy-moly, do they get opinionated. Right now (and for the next 18 months), you are in control.
Besides, it takes the same amount of stuff to walk to the park as it does to travel on a plane, so why not get on that plane?
Believe me, the sound of the waterfall is just as effective as your white-noise app.

Chutes Montmorency (Quebec City, Canada)
5. You won’t be sleeping anyway.
I know, I know. All the sleep books say, if you stand on one foot and keep baby in a quiet/loud, cold/warm, sea-level room and rock them/let them cry it out/sing them songs, they will sleep like angels.
Lies, my friends.
Yes, travel can be disruptive to little gaffers, but so can teeth, fevers, imaginary nothings, and growing. The routines you set, even on the road, may or may not make a difference, especially in the first six months.
So the question is… Sleepless in Saskatoon? Or in Santiago?

Good choice. (Cuba)
So nod and smile at the naysayers and maybe just avoid Aunt Margaret, then pack some diapers and an extra onesie, because regardless of where you traipse with your tot, there’s something truly universal you’ll discover the world over…
Toyotas. Oh, and babies.

Lake Louise, Canada
Your little ball of spit-up and squirts will get you talking to people everywhere you go and even though you think you NEED the tent, the carrier, the raingear, the potty seat, and the sleep sheep — all your kids really need is time with YOU. So, in the words of the Beatles, all you need is love… although I’ve found there aren’t many catastrophes that can’t be solved with a roll of tape, a t-shirt and a garbage bag.
Happy Trails.
You can read more from Abbie at Grumbling Grace and follow her on Facebook.
Why do you like travelling with your baby?